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Livro Impresso

Market leader
Advanced - Business English course book - With MyEnglishLab

English, Pearson, Market Leader (Third Edition Extra)


The 3rd edition of this ever popular course combines some fantastic new materials with all the features that have made it a best seller. We have added about 16 pages to each of the 5 levels to provide support for business skills, specifically: Presentations; Negotiations; Formal email writing; Meetings; Telephoning / e-conferencing; Small talk / networking; Interviews.

Metadado adicionado por Pearson em 03/10/2017

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Metadados adicionados: 03/10/2017
Última alteração: 03/10/2017

Autores e Biografia

Dubicka, Iwonna (Autor), O'Keeffe, Margaret (Autor)

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